04 January 2010


Ask just about anyone who has deployed into a war zone what is the single most important thing that improves their morale. It's mail. Letters, cards, packages. Why? They are real. Tangible. Something you can look at even without electricity.

Today, I received a care package from my parents. Inside were home-made cookies and fudge(complements of Jenna and Mom) along with snacks to share with my troops while watching the Texas Longhorns win the NCAA Ntl Championship later this week.

But it wasn't the treats that made me smile. It was the note my Jenna wrote and put in the box. Made my day. My week.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! This is the funniest stuff I've seen in a while. Is it wrong that I enjoy seeing you suffer? :-) You took it like a man though...except for your knees locking and you falling to the ground. Other than that, very manly!
