15 January 2010

Home Today. Gone Tomorrow.

About 10 days ago when I got back to my room (10' x 10' cubicle inside center wooden hut below) after working out I was approached by the Camp Mayor. He asked me, "Sir, you want the bad news?" Sure. "You have to move out of your room immediately; we are tearing down all these huts so the AF can build a new cargo pad."

No problem. I told him I was scheduled to move 20 Jan anyway. His reply. "That may be so, but I need you out of here now." It was only 5 Jan.

Defiant to the end, I stayed put thinking there is no way they are going to tear down all these huts before the 20th.

Fast forward to the other day. I get back from work this time and the Mayor was waiting for me again. "Sir, you REALLY need to get out now." Knew he was serious because they had already torn out the HVAC units and were starting to rip down other parts of the exterior.

Couple of phone calls and with the assistance of 5 of my cops I found a temporary lodging within the hour. Only place open was with two of my NCOs (all my gear is shoved in Tim and my Lt's room). Fortunately for me, their other room mate (live 3 to a room) is back in the states on emergency leave, so I'm sleeping in his bunk (who says rank does not have it's privileges). Hope he doesn't come home until after the 20th.

Returned from work the following day; my hut was gone.


  1. Will the irony never cease ... Kym loses her house, you lose your's ... Wild, I tell you!

  2. what can you say, God has a sense of humor.

  3. Who says the AF doesn't take care of it's own?
